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Dr Carme Borrell
Scientific Coordinator of SOPHIE, based at Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona, Spain
Research field
Public Health
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“A baby boy born in Lenzie has a life expectancy of 82 years. Life expectancy of a boy born in Calton is only 54 years. Lenzie and Calton are both districts of the city of Glasgow (Scotland). Such health inequalities are unfair and avoidable”, says Dr Borrell. Her research interest is the link between social factors and health.
SOPHIE will advise the European Commission about the impact of social and economic policies on people's health. The policies may then be implemented in Europe. "Vulnerable people will be actively involved in the project", says Dr Borrell, "the results of SOPHIE will help these people to advocate fair policies."
The health of Europeans depends on their socio-economic position, the welfare state, and the labour market. SOPHIE will evaluate how government policies can reduce these health inequalities. Examples of policies are the relocation of families with housing problems in Spain and urban renewal plans in the Netherlands.
Some European countries are successful at improving their population’s health and reducing health inequalities. By comparing policies of different countries, SOPHIE scientists will gain insight into the relationship between politics, policies, and health inequalities. Researchers from nine countries are involved in the project.
Searching for policies that reduce health inequalities
SOPHIE will test whether gender equality policies improve women’s and men’s physical and mental health
Image credit: Fredi Roig
Health inequalities not only affect the poorest people but are graded across the whole population
Image credit: Dmitry Nikolaev
Urban planning can improve opportunities for physical activity and social interactions
Image credit: Monica Mestanza
We are collecting the views of neighbours on the impact of urban reforms on their well-being
Image credit: Davide Malmusi
Public services for dependent people may reduce the unhealthy consequences of full-time private caregiving
Image credit: Roberto Malaguti
Migrants are often employed in the most hazardous jobs
Image credit: Roberto Malaguti
Access to good quality housing is a prerequisite for good physical and mental health
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