The article, published in the European Journal of Public Health, is signed by researchers from the Public Health Agency of Barcelona (ASPB) and the University of East Anglia (UK) and is part of the European research project SOPHIE.

Two years ago, another study detected a worsening of mental health. "Now, for the first time, we have seen what was going on in the whole population", explains Xavier Bartoll, first author of the study. "In addition, we found that the changes are not homogeneous, but differed according to sex and age and socioeconomic status."

Indeed, the decline in men is not uniform, but is concentrated in people aged 35 to 54, with manual occupations, primary or secondary education, and more pronounced among immigrants. The result is a significant increase in health inequalities between socio‐economic levels, as highlighted in the article.

The questionnaire used in the mental health National Health Survey includes symptoms of anxiety and depression in particular. The authors emphasize that the increase in symptoms in men appears to be mainly due to the increased proportion of men in unemployment, a known risk factor for poor mental health. Another recently published study noted an increase in suicides in middle‐aged men.

Conversely, the improvement in women concentrates on those that have a job. "It is possible that, despite the burden that it means, many women are experiencing greater recognition and esteem in the new role of breadwinners that they are taking in many families," said Bartoll.

Key points

• This study shows a deterioration in mental health among men during the economic crisis in Spain, especially among those from low socioeconomic position.

• Among women, the researchers noted a slight improvement in mental health, driven by younger individuals, employed and non-breadwinners.

• Socioeconomic inequalities in mental health became more pronounced among men but not among women.

• Social protection policies need to be reinforced, especially among individuals from a disadvantaged socioeconomic position.

Read the full text of this research in the press release.