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Dr Yvonne Engels
Scientific Coordinator of IMPACT, based at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (RUNMC), the Netherlands
Research field
Palliative Care
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“Personalised care was my drive as a midwife and still is as a researcher in end of life care. As a racing cyclist, I am eager to reach the top of the Mont Ventoux; as a researcher I am eager to achieve optimal quality of life for all patients with life-threatening advanced diseases”, says Dr Yvonne Engels.
Palliative care improves the quality of life of patients and their families. The need for palliative care will increase because the population is ageing. Palliative care is becoming better known in many European countries. However, the knowledge available on this type of care is currently not yet fully implemented in practice.
“We aim to improve the quality of palliative care to patients with cancer or dementia.” Palliative care is humanitarian care to ease suffering of terminal patients. “Our team has identified quality measures for palliative care. We will now determine how to implement these quality indicators in clinical practice.”
“We will identify which aspects of the organisation of palliative care require change. The study will include 40 care services in five European countries. International collaboration is essential to us: a strategy that is effective in the Netherlands may not be effective in England because of the differing healthcare systems.”
Improving palliative care for cancer and dementia patients
Video: Yvonne Engels and Myrra Vernooij-Dassen discuss the IMPACT project
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