In Focus

An overview of the latest news articles: check this page weekly for new articles
Looking for new antibiotics

Millions of lives have been saved since antibiotics were introduced in 1928. However, bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to these antibiotics.

The gift of life

Worldwide, about 60,000 children are born with thalassemia every year. The patient’s life depends heavily on frequent blood transfusions in this disease.

Strength is in numbers

International collaboration is the standard in modern health science. Both common and rare diseases reveal their secrets when large groups of patients are studied.

The road from skin cell to stem cell map

A new study has mapped in detail the reprogramming of skin cells to stem cells.

Psychiatry moving forward

Mental disorders affect at least one in three people. Psychiatric diseases have a devastating impact on the patient’s personal life.

Don’t forget!

Scientists used to believe that the adult brain was unable to change.

Open your mind

The human brain and its diseases have fascinated scientists and philosophers through the ages.

E-learning as in Equitable and Environme

Emily White Johansson is currently doing a PhD at Uppsala University, Sweden.

Modern healthcare for all

Modern medical science has radically improved our ability to treat diseases.

Science against cancer

Cancer treatments are continually being improved, but cancer is still

Genes that make our heart beat faster

Scientists recently pinpointed 14 new genetic variants that influence resting heart rate.

Proteins rule!

"In 2001, the human genome was decoded. But knowing about genes is not enough to understand complex life processes.

Prevent. Protect. Immunise.

Vaccines are an extremely powerful tool to protect people of all ages against disease.

Worldwide attention to Parkinson's disea

World Parkinson's disease Day on 11 April 2013: the very young may provide the key to the cure.

Genetic 'spelling mistakes' revealed

Scientistst have found more than 80 genetic 'spelling mistakes' that can increase the risk of breast, prostate and ovarian cancer.

New web portal on health research in Eur

The web portal was officially launched on 21 March 2013 by Professor Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Advisor of the European Commission.

How a virus invades a human cell…

Scientists have discovered on a molecular level how the deadly coronavirus finds its way into human cells, causing severe damage to the airways.

Supercomputer to fight brain diseases

To provide new insights into the human brain and its diseases, the Human Brain Project is building a supercomputer to simulate the brain.

New 'SARS-like' virus identified

The SARS epidemic of 2002-2003 was short-lived, but now a novel type of human coronavirus has been identified.

Biological clock underestimated

Is shift work bad for your health? And what about a jetlag? Researchers think it's time to become more aware of our biological clock.