Many different countries in Europe participate in World Immunization Week, which is organised by WHO

Lives saved
Millions of lives are saved each year thanks to vaccination programmes. Health organisation WHO gives some striking examples: In 1990, only 1% of infants worldwide had been vaccinated against hepatitis B while by the end of 2011 this had been increased to 75%. However, 600,000 people still die every year  due to the consequences of hepatitis B.

When it comes down to developing medicines and vaccines “international collaboration is crucial”, says Professor Ab Osterhaus, a leading virus researcher. His colleague, Professor of Pathology Thijs Kuiken, works at the intersection of human and veterinary medicine: "Together, we ensure that Europe is prepared for pandemics."
More on this topic on the project pages of EMPERIE and ANTIGONE.

But what exactly is immunisation? How do vaccines prevent illness? Watch this animated video on YouTube for an explanation.