portrait of John P. Hays

Dr John P. Hays

Scientific Coordinator of TEMPOtest-QC, based at Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Research field

Microbiology, Diagnostics, Bacteriology

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Microbiologist Dr John P. Hays is concerned about the increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. Dr Hays: “The problem is very acute: in two decades, society may return to the pre-antibiotic era”. Dr Hays and his team fight this major health problem by evaluating and validating rapid tests to identify bacteria.


The introduction of antibiotics has saved many millions of lives since their discovery in 1928. However, bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to these antibiotics. The aim of TEMPOtest-QC is to limit antibiotic resistance by improving diagnosis. This is of vital importance to public health.


The development of antibiotic resistance can be limited by an effective therapy that is based on accurate diagnosis. Medical doctors need to be able to rapidly identify disease-causing bacteria in order to correctly prescribe antibiotics. To this end, TEMPOtest-QC aims to evaluate and validate novel rapid tests.


The EU grant enables TEMPOtest-QC scientists to share their expertise and skills. Dr Hays: “We create collections of bacterial isolates and evaluate new technologies. We also collect the views of the general public and medical professionals about obstacles and benefits to the implementation of rapid diagnostic tests”.

Join the fight against resistant bacteria

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Image credits

Background image: TEMPOtest-QC

Portrait of the project coordinator: TEMPOtest-QC

Timeline (in chronological order): TEMPOtest-QC